How do we ensure that we are moving towards better inclusion in peace efforts?
Tag: Women‚ Peace and Security at 19
If women’s participation is to actually be meaningful, pushes to increase women’s participation should move beyond gender stereotypes and “add women and stir” calls for parity.
Monica McWilliams, an academic and peace activist, was part of the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition, a grassroots political party that helped negotiate peace in Northern Island.
While it has been difficult to obtain robust data on the issue at hand, there are reasons to believe that the gendered human rights violations committed by some contractors are not isolated phenomena.
The extent to which this rhetorical support translates into outcomes in the Security Council and lifesaving work on the ground remains to be seen.
Mediation theory and practice now incorporates the idea of multi-track diplomacy and the fact that each conflict needs to be addressed at a number of different levels.
Much has been said about the implications of resolution 2467, but less discussed is whether it will benefit girls and women whose communities are caught up in armed conflict and humanitarian emergencies.