A new book by Jean-Pierre Filiu weaves a tale of bloggers, rappers and videos to bring the forces behind the Arab uprisings to life.
Author: Jose Vericat
A year after the toppling of the Ben Ali regime, the rallying cry for “jobs and social justice” continues.
Ghonim’s account of Egypt’s revolution is a heart-wrenching personal story, and a manual on how to run a revolution using social media.
Recent decisions by the Arab League indicate two novel trends: a new resoluteness to engage with problems among its members and a determination to find a solution strictly within the Arab context.
One image has become a symbol of last month’s elections in Tunisia: street walls covered with equidistant, symmetrical rectangles marking spaces for political parties to publicize themselves. This image foretold the orderly and well-conducted elections that took place on October 23rd and afforded Tunisians the opportunity to freely choose their representatives to the National Constituent Assembly.
The lives of Arab authors are frequently as dramatic as the accounts that they describe in their books.