The Ivoirian case shows that DDR programs continue to perpetuate gendered hierarchies and stereotypes; women and girls continue to be dismissed, “desecuritized,” and “conjugally ordered” into questionably stereotyped roles designed by those with little understanding of gendered “herstories”—particularly on the African continent.
Tag: Women‚ Peace and Security at 22
I wanted the feminist foreign policy to be practical. To me, it’s not about identity as much as it is a matter of checking on the three Rs: rights, representation, and resources.
The WPS agenda presents a unique space for the international community to introduce much-needed reforms in the field of international conflict resolution as contemporary approaches are proving their limits.
We should not overlook how collaborations between WPS and other security-related political frameworks have succeeded in challenging notions that military and security actors have a monopoly of expertise in areas such as arms control.
The securitization of the climate crisis, rendered “serious” and “realistic” by ideas about gender, is misdirecting our attention and resources.
WPS advocates must not allow gender to be instrumentalized within hypermasculine, hypermilitarized, and over-securitized approaches to security.