Greater sharing of the pen within the Security Council could help mend perceptions of partiality and facilitate more inclusivity.
Tag: multilateralism
The war in Ukraine has demonstrated the solidarity of the international community, yet there is real work to be done to strengthen solidarity across regions.
Survey data does not reveal a major, widespread drop in the UN’s legitimacy over the past few years.
A better understanding is needed of where the multilateral system is working, where it is not, and where it is headed.
The virtual summit of the G20 today was a defining moment for international cooperation.
Widening fault lines are threatening the traditional global consensus over peacekeeping.
The liberal order could collapse completely and we would still have the broader multilateral system, but the question is in what form?
Governing Global Health’s greatest strength lies in its rich empirical basis. The repository of data upon which the authors draw goes unrivaled by similar scholarship, and they build an engaging narrative from the often dry necessities of budgeting technicalities and organizational structure.
The real challenge the UNFCCC process faces in the next few years as it finalizes the “rule book” for the Paris agreement is how to develop an enhanced transparency system that will be robust and detailed enough to provide the relevant information for its five-yearly assessment of global progress on addressing climate.
The Elders—Kofi Annan, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Lakhdar Brahimi, and Mary Robinson—discuss means of increasing international cooperation around climate change, migration, and other issues.