The new chief discusses ICC cases and the role of the Security Council; the relationship between peace and justice; and her vision for the ICC.
Author: Till Papenfuss
Those involved in Syria should consider the political, operational, and financial implications of an ICC referral.
Mr Prendergast discusses the international justice system and the new ground forged by Invisible Children’s Kony2012 campaign.
John Hirsch discusses the broader implications of Charles Taylor’s International Criminal Court conviction. There is no such thing anymore as impunity, he said.
Kahl discusses the outcomes of last weeks’ talks in Istanbul between Iran and the P5+1 and his ideas on what both parties would accept as a possible deal.
Although regional cooperation needs still to be boosted in the region, ASEAN has established itself as an indispensable political framework in the Southeast Asia region in recent years.
What do you get for $3.43 billion? Sixteen years of international war crime tribunals. Author David Scheffer tries to answer if it was worth it.
In this interview, Mr. Moreno-Ocampo clarifies some myths about the ICC and discusses the relationship between peace and justice.
Thant Myint-U’s new book provides a valuable historical and geographical compass to better understand the context of the latest developments in Myanmar.
While progress continues in Myanmar, there can be no shortcut to democracy.