The ceasefire deal confirmed geopolitical realities and further strengthened Russian influence in the region, with Turkey also having a foot in the door.
Author: Stephanie Liechtenstein
What would it take for Europe to become a true strategic and global player?
The confrontation between Ukraine and Russia serves as a warning signal that conflict in and around Ukraine has the potential to escalate quickly into an uncontrollable situation if not addressed.
Despite the concerns of critics, it is now up to the EU member states to grasp the opportunity and show the political will to engage in true strategic common cooperation on defense.
If the US is indeed to abandon its support of Ukrainian territorial integrity, it would put the onus on European countries to take a stronger position.
In light of the possibility for a renewed and more serious military confrontation and of the risk that this could draw other players into the conflict, a strong diplomatic push by the international community, and especially the OSCE, is needed.
An address by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at the Munich Security Conference this month was a remarkable exception to the pervasive sense of helplessness and lack of strategy that hung over the annual conference during discussions about the world’s “boundless crises:” Syria, the refugee crisis, the threat from the so-called Islamic State, and the Ukraine crisis.