Disha Sarkar, a climate advocate and a YOUNGO youth delegate at the COP26 climate talks, discusses “ground level” advocacy and promoting the inclusion of youth in global decision-making.
Author: Masooma Rahmaty
90 percent of the world’s 1.8 billion youth live in developing or conflict-affected countries where climate change is a serious “risk multiplier” for peace and sustainable development.
The COVID-19 pandemic and growing recognition of climate-related security risks have presented the international community with an opportunity to reevaluate what is considered a threat to international peace and security, and how gender should be included in the response.
As the peace talks gain momentum again, ensuring that women’s voices are sufficiently represented in peace efforts should be a top priority.
The 20th anniversary of resolution1325 is not just a moment to reflect on the past, but represents an opportunity to look toward the future.
Amid all the peace negotiations and political disagreements, the voices of the people of Afghanistan have often been undermined.
Five years into the implementation of the agenda and the SDGs, many policymakers agree that momentum towards achieving the agenda’s goals is slowing down.
The HLPF and SDG Summit are an opportune time to build on progress and to remind governments of their human rights commitments.
In the current context, what we can expect from HLPF 2019 is not as much as we would like.
Engagement by governments to tackle internal displacement, while leveraging the international community’s growing expertise, will help ensure approaches have positive effects.